The Garfield Movie: A Ho-Hum Outing for the Enduring Feline (Blu-ray)
The Film: Little did Jim Davis know that when he launched a little comic strip about an overweight cat that loves to eat, his owner, and...

Jurassic World: Dominion: A Bland Finale to a Misguided Trilogy (Blu-ray)
The Film: At long last, we find ourselves at the end of the "Jurassic World" trilogy with "Dominion," a film that gives this series one...

The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part: A Not-As-Awesome Follow-Up (Blu-ray)
The Film: It’s pretty safe to say that “The LEGO Movie” was the single most popular animated film of 2014. Riding a wave of critical...

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom: An Improvement, but Not Nearly Enough (Blu-ray)
The Film: Merely three years ago, “Jurassic World” was unleashed upon the world, marking the long-awaited return of a franchise that had...

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Marvel's Greatest Franchise Returns with a Bang (Blu-ray)
The Film: Back in 2014, Marvel Studios delivered something rather astonishing with “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Here was a film that took...

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: A Delightfully Fun Sequel with Depth and Heart to Spare
Back in 2014, Marvel Studios delivered something rather astonishing with “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Here was a film that took the...

The Whole Gang is Back in the First Teaser for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Fans have been waiting very patiently for their first look at footage from the upcoming sequel to the extremely popular "Guardians of the...

The First Trailer for Morten Tyldum's Passengers Finally Arrives
Morten Tyldum's upcoming science-fiction project "Passengers" is easily one of the most anticipated films for the remainder of 2016, and...

Jurassic World: An All-Around Disappointment (Blu-ray)
The Film: Just about everyone can remember the very first time they saw Steven Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park.” It was an amazing experience,...

Guardians of the Galaxy: Marvel Studios' Best Film Yet (Blu-ray)
The Film: Everyone knows by now that Marvel has a pretty standard formula that they use when it comes to their various superhero films,...